Inspired by the Sons of the Phoenix except I was afraid of that much white (I am not 100% happy with how my white on the chest turned out as it is) and more purple is always good. The other problem was that the Sons of the Phoenix are clearly Rogan Dorns successors. I wanted it to be clear that mine were Sons of Ferrus Manus so but I want to respect the inspiring chapter so I was thinking I would use a similar name. Perhaps Children of the Emperor or Sons of F.
F is clearly for Ferrus not Fulgrim |
The next problem was my base, I tried for a palace base. I got some plasticard to give the top of the base a smoother finish. A layer of Skeleton horde with some bronze and grey squiggled through it while it was still wet.
Looks strange but cool. |
Once dry some Ard coat was applied but due to the humidity this seemed to dry while I was painting it on and removed my smooth finish.
Mmm Bacon Fat |
Wanting to try something new I decided to not just do a black rim and after trying brown, bronze, and white I ended up putting another coat of Skeleton horde on the white (For this I was too hasty and my white had not dried fully yet).
Just Blutacked on for now |
The general consensus is its not right. My base looks closer to him standing on cooking bacon than it does the palace floors I was aiming for. I will do another base and see what I like better that or my army can fight for planet bacon.
To finish on a more positive note League released yet another champion and he is so much fun. However I am not quite ready to start ranked on my main for the season so I have become a Sett One Trick on my smurf. See my below highlight where I win 1v4.