Even though I have finally found a base that goes well with my custom chapter Children of the Emperor I have since decided not to go ahead with the colour scheme as it didn't stick out enough. This is why I have since gone with a much stealthier Chapter that sticks out alot more. Behold my Necropolis Hawks.
Originally some dudes custom chapter that somehow ended up in the Vigilus Campaign books.
I really like the colour scheme and feel like the army should certainly pop visually on the table. Especially with the combination of the alien landscape they are running across.
I am currently thinking about decals and whether I bother with finding/getting Hawk head one or just slapping the wolves icons on and renaming them the Necropolis Wolves..
My starting lists are going to based around two of the elite version starter kits as well as the squad of intercessors (-1), 6 eliminators and the techmarine from the Children of the Emperor Project. Not sure what I am going to do to get that 5th intercessor as I went to the shop and its $33 for even just the one that comes with the learn 40k magazine.
Well to start with we came up with a colour scheme, he said he wanted it like the artwork and between the two main colours he saw he went with Sautehk. This meant silver necrons with alot of green, and he wanted them fighting on mars while it was snowing, with extra glitter.
Next up we did 5 warriors, this time he was super stoked about having them all charge up. He was ready to give up half way through though but I told him we could paint the scarabs once he did these ones so we eventually got them finished. The 3 scarabs were rocked out in record time leaving us with 5 more Warriors as WIP at the moment, I feel like these ones wont be done in a rush however as he doesn't feel they are as cool. He also has the Necron Half of Indominitus so he has alot more Necrons to go through and I feel like I might have to Skorpekh the entire army for him.
I really like the colour scheme and feel like the army should certainly pop visually on the table. Especially with the combination of the alien landscape they are running across.
I am currently thinking about decals and whether I bother with finding/getting Hawk head one or just slapping the wolves icons on and renaming them the Necropolis Wolves..
My starting lists are going to based around two of the elite version starter kits as well as the squad of intercessors (-1), 6 eliminators and the techmarine from the Children of the Emperor Project. Not sure what I am going to do to get that 5th intercessor as I went to the shop and its $33 for even just the one that comes with the learn 40k magazine.
As for the Necron halves my son has started his own army. Look if a 5 y/o can paint an army to a table top standard and feel proud about it so can you (I'm pretty proud of him as well).
Well to start with we came up with a colour scheme, he said he wanted it like the artwork and between the two main colours he saw he went with Sautehk. This meant silver necrons with alot of green, and he wanted them fighting on mars while it was snowing, with extra glitter.
For the models we started with the skorpehk destroyers as they these were his favorite. I painted one doing each step too show him how its done then he would paint his two as we went, this went pretty well and he stayed pretty strictly to the guide lines apart from when he I told him what the Plasmacyte does and then he painted one glowing all the way up the spine as it was the one being powered up, a cool little touch.
Next up we did 5 warriors, this time he was super stoked about having them all charge up. He was ready to give up half way through though but I told him we could paint the scarabs once he did these ones so we eventually got them finished. The 3 scarabs were rocked out in record time leaving us with 5 more Warriors as WIP at the moment, I feel like these ones wont be done in a rush however as he doesn't feel they are as cool. He also has the Necron Half of Indominitus so he has alot more Necrons to go through and I feel like I might have to Skorpekh the entire army for him.