Hagen in Service to Hyli ⭐ Rising |
Glasear had a arranged an upgrade for himself and Jojo with the House as a reward for claiming the Device. A cybernetic eye each. However such a process would be painful and medication would needed particularly an anesthetic would ideally be desired. Thankfully there was a synth still in working order but it was under operation of one of the local mining families. Glasear rounded up everyone, this would be there first direct assault against another gang operating in the area.
The Territory Map in Yaktribe |
As an old map of the area popped up on the holo-table he motioned for silence.
Each Territory provides a bonus |
"Here we have the distillery, at its center lies what the locals refer to as the gunk tank. This is the main processor." The crew nodded in acknowledgement. "Haze and Jojo you are to flank from the east, Viridian will come from the west, while I will lead Andrea and Hagen in from the South." Glasear paused for a second before saying "Now I have heard some strange rumours about these miners and we will see for ourselves if they are true but I want each and everyone of you to be careful out there."
The game is played like 40k, but you alternate activations of models each turn |
Upon arrival Glasear scouted ahead of Hagen and Andrea. The still had been desecrated, instead of refining complex chemical compounds into medication it had been repurposed to refine fuel from toxic waste. The "Gunk Tank". It would certainly need a good clean before any real use. Beyond the still was endless clouds of smoke and steam hiding any possible workers in the area.
Stat line is very similar to a 40k statline |
As he took a vantage point on a bridge above the first worker emerged from the smoke and began to siphon the fuel into a bucket. Glasear could see Viridian climbing up a stack of fuel cells behind them, all would be well he thought. Then suddenly a streak of las fired from a derelict building to his right.
The other stats are used for things like opening chests and not fleeing |
Well the element of surprise was over. Waiting as the next worker approached the gunk tank he began to charge his plasma cannon. Comfortably letting it heat into an explosive blast he blew them from their feet, the bucket of fuel left unattended.
Except when you lose your last wound then you roll the injury dice.
 | Skull = Out of Action Snap = Face Down Blood = -1 Toughness
Emerging from the fumes to collect it was the myth Glasear had refused to believe till now. A gigantic pink monstrosity with 3 arms hunched down and picked up the bucket in one hand.
If you go out of action you roll on the lasting injuries table |
Glasear began charging up the cannon. Feeling the heat build he let it go, catching the beast square in the chest. Bleeding heavily it still turned and slid the bucket towards to edge of mist as another monstrous pink arm reached out.
The scenario we played. You get 2 tactics instead of a full books worth. |
Glasear could hear the battle was on in full now, the sounds of las fired from both sides, flames roaring across buildings and explosions rattling in the distance. He however could not spare a moment as he saw Viridian collapse in a ball of flame as the counter ambush came through. Leaving the monstrosities he turned to fire on Viridians assailants.
Battle History on Yaktribe |
Updated Territory Map |
The following moments turned into a blur as shots were fired as fast as he could. Once the smoke cleared he was able to make it down to Viridian. She was in desperate need of a Doctor, she sent for the Grav Girls to take her but only Jojo returned the call.
We won, the only photo was of my victory |
After he had sent them off, Glasear patrolled the area but could only find Haze's power knife and enough blood to know she was dead.
I rolled 64 for Haze. CBF finished painting her. |
And 65 for Viridian. But only one can go to the Doctor. R.I.P. |
Dead. |