Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Got to Start with a Selfie.

Hi Everyone (which is actually no one as its the first post on a blog with no followers),

I have been inspired by the likes of Septimus Clegg the Master of Chucking Monkeys and Hagen whos goes Quietly unnoticed in the Background to start my own blog. I am not sure of its purpose but I thought I should start with a selfie.

Yes I am a slacker who needs as much motivation as I can get, I mean look I cant even finish painting my own Avatar.

Well to start this blog off I have recently finished painting my Tyranids (gifted to me when got back into a hobby last year by a friend to failed to get into it in the first place).

Leading the Charge is my Queen. Shes a one eyed one horned flying purple people eater.

Accompanying her is an ancient evil, so ancient hes probably from the 90s (just like me). 

Last but not least so anyone who decideds to follow this blog can hassel me to finish it I will show one of my many, far too many works in progress. The latest member of the Deff Watch.

Yes I know I havent done any of the putty work. Yes I know his ear looks mess up because of it but for some reason I feel physically sick whenever I do all the epoxy work so I put it off as much as possible. Still it will need to be done before the paint goes on. 


  1. It would appear you have a follower. You better paint Sly Marbo (please do some gap filling with green stuff first). Tick, tock :D

  2. Seeing as my greenstuff appears to have expired and my liquid greenstuff is solid I will attempt to do it with milliput! Going to try build 2 more DeffWatch members before I undercoat and that way they can all get painted at the same time. Iron Hand Straken and Sergeant Harker counts as are underway.
