Wednesday, December 11, 2019

League of Legends New Zealand Championship

The League of Legends New Zealand Championship has taken up a lot of my time lately. Thankfully about two weeks before the tournament I was able to join one of New Zealand's largest Esport Organisations "NativeZ Esports" and be apart of one of the teams they put together for the tournament.

Stage 1 consisted of 192 teams competing across NZ in 24 Groups of 8. With Stage 2 only consisting of 24 teams it meant you had to be the best team in your group to progress. Sadly we were not the best team. While we did make an effort to train as a team prior to the tournament and our initial scrims looked hopeful we were plagued by split decision making in games. Our team had 2 junglers, Myself and OkZoomer which we initially thought would be an advantage as we had 2 distinct champion pools and different play styles the team could leverage depending on the scenario.

OkZoomer vs Daemonkz

However the training that I was able to make often got cancelled and Zoomer was more flexible and able to make training when called upon at last minute. This lead to him being the starting jungler and myself being benched for alot of the games.

My SoloQ Main

I did however find myself starting a game after some communication issues began to arise with Zoomer in game. However when it came my turn to shine I was to nervous about making mistakes and being put back on the bench that instead I was not proactive in game, the only thing worse than making mistakes is doing nothing at all.

Image result for Jarvan Im helping

While we are still waiting for the final results for our group I believe we should be in the top 4 and while that wont get us to the next round it will give us a small participation prize.

And while our team didn't make to the next round other teams within the NativeZ Organisation have and will get my full support along the way.

Special Thanks goes out to VBulldogz one of the organizers in NativeZ who put me on the team and gave me a shot.

You might see me on his twitch stream sometimes under the alias Daemonkz. Hes a friendly guy who's happy to talk to those watching and explain the game as he plays.

Monday, December 9, 2019

The Overdue Update: Fields of Blood

 Its been ages since I updated this and I have really wanted to share my Genestealer Cult that really is a genestealer brood.


While I didnt finish any of the paint jobs in time (or since as you can clearly see) for all the units I was adding I got all but one unit up to a standard I was happy to play with. While most of them just need me to clean up their skin and finish a few touch ups.

The Disappointment Squad

The model I was most happy with is the one I was least happy with when I started the conversion.
The abominant. While he was a lot bigger than the standard GW abominant he was on the right base size (just) and he looked great. LOS shouldn't matter for characters anyway.


The standout unit at the tournament general heavy lifter award goes to the carnifexs. These things were beasts. Heavy Venom Cannons and Deathspitters was the right fit for what I needed to balance out my army.

Again I was close to getting best in Race for Tyranids. Me and Ryan were once again tied for points as top tyranids players with one round remaining. Hoping to play each other to duke it out for the spot we unfortunately got split. I got Deathwatch and he got put up vs Knights. This was in a round where only troops could score objectives. Sadly I lost my match and he won his.

Dynamic posing done right

Thankfully I got to play vs two of the beauty pageant armies along the way, one used Mantic models to make a unique looking Guard army and the other was a beautifully done GSC army with an amazing City piece display board (Also with Mantic Trucks).

A nice space trooper feel.

He had GSC priests as squad leaders in every squad.

Well taking away from the tournament and how to improve my list I decided I didn't like Genestealers (Purestrains) in my Genestealer Cult and I wanted an even bigger bug. This baby will count as either a shadowsword or Barbed Heirodule and give me a nice big bug on the table once its done.