Sunday, August 26, 2018

If I Kan Paint

Hes finally done. I'm painting stuff. Hell I feel like I might even have my army painted in time for Fields of Blood.

I found a good guide on how to paint Red on Orks Vehicles and the Killa Kan made the perfect test subject. In fact I think the kan is painted better than the patriarch standing on it... Actually I think I have only learnt how to paint this year and thats all started with following guides.

Two items left on the painting list for August, the first Leman Russ and the Magus. 

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Don't Deep Strike Next to Aggressors

So on Monday night I went to the local games club at the Roxy. I had 1500pt game which was my first in awhile. I was very keen to try the Patriarch and Genestealer Ambush bomb that as soon as I could they were set up to charge the 6 man aggressor squad who were the most powerful looking thing on the board. Then:

And suddenly I no longer had any Genestealers. Which is why there is no photo of them from games night..

I did however take a photo just before I was tabled.

It wasn't all bad, the Roxy gave all the club members a free Cocktail (BEST CLUB EVER).
mmm tasty

To prove that they did get painted I took some photos of the genestealers back at home. They will be properly based when everything else is ready to based at the end of the month so until then its plain dirt.

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Ready for Primer

I finally have all of the above models ready for primer. I am going to have to paint the lot this month if I am to have an Army at Fields of Blood. Well the Patriarch needs one final round of clean up and to be glued to his perch on the killa kann first.

I am not sure this is what the Monkey Chukka had in mind when he said I could have his Orks for my Army. Considering I started basing the rest of my Nids in field with hills etc the big ugly pipe he was originally standing on would have stood out like a sore thumb so this is a big improvement.


The reposing left him with a bit of leg spread, I simply filled in the gap and gave up on sculpting the strange holes in his thighs. Hopefully nobody stares to hard at his crotch. 

Also on my list of things to paint this month is my little brothers Leman Russ, hopefully its camo work can be saved and the crew conscripted into Cult.

Wish me luck and may I post more frequently with some painted models this month..